
“We shall not cease from exploring, and the end of all our exploration will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time”.  T. S. Eliot.

Welcome to EIMCILA  2012 ! !

We are happy to announce the second International Contact Improvisation Teachers Meeting in Latin America, which will be held in this new edition in the city of Buenos Aires.

This meeting is addressed to all Contact Improvisation teachers around the world and experienced practitioners who are interested in the transmission of CI.

Contact improvisation will be the research field on which to build learning from the deepening of individualities expressing themselves.

We propose a meeting with the focus on attention, listening, generosity and cooperation, inviting you to join from an open mind and self responsible attitude.
The dance, curiosity and time will be our masters. 

EIMCILA (International Contact Improvisation teachers meeting in Latin America) is an horizontal meeting for the exchange of knowledge and experiences in relationship to the practice and teaching of Contact Improvisation, as well as for reflection, dissemination and research. 

The first edition of EIMCILA (eimcila2011.blogspot.com) had 45 participants from 8 countries. The experience was so highly gratifying and nutritional, that is a honor for us to host the this second edition and continue promoting the interchange between ours mates of the world.

At the basis of exchange we believe is the availability of giving, the possibility of learning to learn, the desire to communicate and the pleasure to meet and share to nurture each other and grow as teachers, as dancers, as human beings.

Excited and wishful, we are waiting for you!

EIMCILA 2012 organizer team:
Camillo Vacalebre, Eliana Bonard, Paula Zacharías, Laura Barceló.


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